🚀 The Tellurian: new wrap skirt coming soon

Our third unisex skirt product, a wrap design called the Tellurian, is nearly ready for production!

The wrap aspect makes the sizing adjustable, and reduces the difficulty of determining your size when ordering.

The Tellurian will be made in the USA of 100% organic cotton. It will be produced at the same Los Angeles factory that we worked with for our first two skirts.

Thanks very much to the many people who gave feedback on the prototype shared earlier!

One update we’ve made is to secure the tie with metal D-rings rather than a knot, for easier use, a cleaner apperance, and less wear and tear. We’ve found that the rings hold firmly once set.

Preordering will be available in Q1 of 2023, with delivery planned for the spring assuming there’s enough interest and no significant production issues.

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